Katie wrote:
I’ve always known that God has had a special call on my life. When I was really young, a missions video was played at church, during which a heart kept beating as images flashed across the screen of starving children. The heartbeat stopped, and the video said that during the time of that video, people had died without ever hearing about Jesus. My mom saw tears in my eyes.
The closer I got to God, the more I felt disconnected with the “world,” so I tried everything I could to be like everyone else. But it never seemed to be enough.
I was sinking fast. By my sophomore year, I didn’t want to live anymore. I went to counseling and got on anti-depressants, but I felt dead inside. Nothing seemed to be able to fill the void inside of me.
But God didn’t give up on me.
I learned that my youth group was going on a missions trip, and I knew that God wanted me to go. While there, I began to remember my first love. I was able to see firsthand that God is at work everywhere. And through everyone’s prayers, God pulled me from the pit of depression.
After the trip, I went to a local college’s open house, during which God showed me images of kids who wouldn’t be helped if I went to that school. God brought to my remembrance the only Sunday school lesson I ever remembered–about how Amy Carmichael rescued girls from India from prostitution.
I know that this is what God has called me to do.
Katie’s Father wrote:
Jerry remembers how Katie, on her last Wednesday before going off to Masters program, felt the Lord wanted her to share her testimony with her youth group. Katie knew this would be the last time she would see them for some time and felt an urgency to share how the Lord had pulled her out of that pit of depression. Up to that time, only a few close friends and her immediate family knew what she had been going thru the previous years in her life. Katie asked me if I would go to church with her to be there for support that evening and I said yes I would.
That evening, right before going, Katie told me that it was going to be o.k and that I didn’t need to go with her to church. She said the Lord was going to be there for her and asked me to pray with her before leaving for church.
When she came home that night there was a radiant look about her and Katie told me she was so happy to be used of the Lord to share with her friends. She told me that 3 girls (she did not share names with me nor did I ask) came up to her for prayer after she opened up about her life of depression. They all were suffering with depression and asked Katie to pray with them for the Lord to help set them free.
It is because of Katie’s openness to obey the Lord (Revelations 12:11) that evening, and subsequent times later with others, that Pat and I have the liberty to share Katie’s life with others. Pat and I, as Katie was, are open to share what we as parents experienced with other families who are struggling to find hope.
We look forward to wherever the Lord leads us to share and offer that same hope HE gave us to others!
She was truly a beautiful person. She really was NOT a part of this world. I understand her sentiments exactly. It’s sad how this world really is or has become, therefore, she really wasn’t part of it. She was of God.
The “depression” is seeing all the injustices and knowing that is not how God meant it to be. I don’t blieve Katie had depression, I know exactly what it was. However, it would be too long to try to explain here.
— Nikkie G., 2009/06/01
She was truly a beautiful person. She really was NOT a part of this world. I understand her sentiments exactly. It’s sad how this world really is or has become, therefore, she really wasn’t part of it. She was of God.
The “depression” is seeing all the injustices and knowing that is not how God meant it to be. I don’t blieve Katie had depression, I know exactly what it was. However, it would be too long to try to explain here.