I first met Katie Prosapio when she was only 9 months old. Her family began attending the church where my husband Phil was Senior Pastor. Katie embodied a parent’s dream of hope, vision, [...]
Artist: Katie Prosapio Title: “Remembering the Persecuted” Recorded: August 2, 2005 at the National Fine Arts Festival in Denver, CO God sees everything you do And you’re not [...]
Before leaving for Master’s Commission, on September 21, 2005, Katie wrote the following: This is my hot pursuit for you, God. You pursued me for so long. Now it’s my turn to pursue [...]
During the first week of Master’s Commission, in late September 2005, each student was asked to write a letter of what they hoped to experience in their relationship with God during the [...]
Please read Katie’s letter to find out what she thought heaven would be like. It sure sounds like a great place to spend eternity! Heaven 2005 Please read the following to find out how you [...]
Wendi Watson was a second year student at Rockford Master’s Commission. She had such a heart for missions. In fact, she had organized a concert on March 28th to raise money for her mission [...]
Katie wrote: I’ve always known that God has had a special call on my life. When I was really young, a missions video was played at church, during which a heart kept beating as images [...]
What a joy it was to be Katie’s mom. I’m so thankful for every precious moment, every time of laughter, every tear, and every serious talk I had with her. Katie was a true gift from [...]
The summer after Katie’s sophomore year of high school, we noticed that she was withdrawing from us. She would go to her room and would lock the door. Sometimes she wouldn’t even say [...]
My sister Katie was just herself-no false pretenses or anything. Our relationship all started on March 12, 1994, the day I was born. From then on, we formed a bond. But to be honest, during my [...]